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Monday, April 24, 2006


Friday, Cam came down for the night, he was not feeling well but we enjoyed him being here...
Mark/Lindsay and the girlies came over for dinner, we grilled steak...we all sat outside in the back watching the girls play with their Bubba...
Monday, Loraly went to the dr, she has a bad ear infection---Cam went to the dr also, he got a big shot, he has a sinus infection....

70 years old today, April23---
I wish things had of gone better for you today, but most of it was out of my hands...I promise when you come to Waco, I will give you the best late birthday party ever....complete with your favorite,Italian Cream Cake and a shopping trip to get you something really special!
I hope you enjoyed your cards from me, Amber, Lindsay, & Dale....
I love you.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Easter, April 16, 2006
A nice day, we went to church, then home to cook...Papa & Myrtle came to Waco to visit and Lindsay, Mark and the girls came to eat...
We had a big egg hunt complete with eggs with money in them....broke confetti eggs on each other and made a big mess, but messes are made to clean up!
Leigh & Terrill and the boys stopped by for a few minutes...admired Madalyns chick....
Cam did not get to come this week-end like he had hoped, maybe we will see him in a few weeks.
Amber & Katy stayed home also, Rogers mom was there for the holiday, so they were there with her.
Back to work again this week, was a nice 4 days with Mike...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Garden Ridge

We got up this morning, Mike was off today, decided to drive to Austin to go back to Garden Ridge to pick up a picture for our mantle that we had seen a few weeks ago--- it was gone, all the way to Austin and all I bought was a $1 over the door wreath hanger----
Ate lunch at Bill Miller BBQ, then drove back to Waco...
Madalyn called me, she and Loraly got a new baby chick, named is yellow....Lindsay commented that when it was bigger they would take it to a pond and let it go---a pond? Lindsay, it is a chick, not a duck...haha
Wonder how long it cheeped tonight before they put it in the garage?
Tonight, we had a sandwich with mark & Lindsay and the girlies at Schmaltzs then to get snow cones---fun and yummy!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Happy Birthday Doug---- April11 that is....
Looking forward to that cruise in November!

Matthew Update

After 3 1/2 weeks, Matthew is finally home from the hospital...He still is sick, and very tired...he has a PIC line to administer his antibiotics and lots of rest, maybe some school next week, depending on how he does...white blood counts are in normal range now and no fever for 3 days----all from a staph infection that no one can figure out how he got ---

Monday, April 10, 2006

It's all over

What a fun week-end...lets see, gas round trip $70---parking $40---3 caps, 2 hairties $75, Mikes smile, priceless....
Lots of people there---we got tickets thru Mayflower, division of Dougs company, McCollisters--had access to th Hospitality tent, we got breakfast, snacks, lunch plus a goodie bag full of goodies...pit passes but it was so crowded over there....met Brain Vickers, he signed our caps from the goodie bag.
Bumper Sticker we saw---"Driver of this vehicle carries no cash, he is married..."
Someone up about 6 rows got very drunk, his "friends" wrote all over his face then colored in his teeth, all this after he had passed out! Another die hard race fan had shaved a #20(Tony Stewart) in his hairy back, was not a pretty site to see!
Kasey Kahne passed Tony Stewart and WON, sorry Jeff Gordon, maybe next time but least Tony didn't win...
Got back to Waco around 9, was in bed asleep by 10....
Also, we enjoyed our short visit with Doug and Dale on Saturday--we went to see "The Inside Man", very differant than I would of ever thought--- then out to Macaronis, no sauce on my fettucine but after I finally got my sauce it was pretty good...

Friday, April 07, 2006

I got Mike Nascar tickets for Valentines day, well the big day has approached and we are ready for it!
We are going to Carrollton tomorrow to stay over-night with our good buds, Dale & Doug, gonna take in a movie, then off to Macaronis for dinner to celebrate Dougs birthday...another blog....enjoying our good friends company.
Then early Sunday morn off to Texas Speedway for an exciting day of racing...Doug got us tickets for the Mayflower Hospitality tent, breakfast, snack and dinner included...not to mention pit pass, and meeting Brian Vickers...and even a goodie bag, wonder what will be in it?
GO JEFF GORDON, win this one for Mike & Paul!!!!