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Friday, June 05, 2009


Welcome home Barndon---he has been in Iraq for a year now, glad he is back if only for a little while!

Thursday, June 04, 2009


Kaitlyn has been at a cheerleading camp all this week at Tarleton Univ in Stephenville, sponsored by the National Cheerleaders Assoc. She was voted to be Captain of the team this year. She will be entering the 8th grade,WOW!
Mike and I enjoyed seeing her and Amber today, we all had a nice lunch together as well.

The Cross

Made with love by Camerons dad for his and Ambers wedding day.

The Rehersal

Friday May15,2009---Pics of the wedding to be coming soon, I just do not have them yet!
Briley was one of the 3 Flowergirls, Madalyn and Loraly were the other two. Ambers sister was matron of honor, Valorie , bridesmaid was Kelleigh, Cams attendants were his dad as best man and friend since HS, Micah---Ambers friend from NewYork flew in and sang and played yukelele, "What a Wonderful World" and Micah sang "When You Say Nothing At All"...Ambers dad preached the wedding ceremony and did an awesome job!
Cams Uncle Glen and Valories husband Chris were the ushers..Sandi went above and beyond with decorating and coordinating, she did an awesome job, I am forever grateful to have such an loving sister in law! Doug and Dale helped so much too, we couldn't of pulled it off with out them.
Even the rain didn't stop us, we had planned on an outdoor reception but got it all moved in before the ceremony!
Everything was so perfect, the sanctuary, the flowers, the music,the rain, even the ants---it was a beautiful day!


Tuesday, Madalyns school had award ceremony for everyone, Madalyn recieved 2 certificates...Wednesday was Madalyns very last day at SVU----I know she will meet lots of new friends in Midlothian and have a great year there!

My niece Allison graduated at #2 in her class this year, she recieved a full 4 year scholarship to Incarnate Word in SanAntonio, Allison has not decided what she will major in yet---So, my side of the family all got together for a big party in her honor, plus we welcomed home Brandon,my nephew, he has been in Iraq for a year now....


Loralys MDO class "graduation"


Our niece Natalie has been on the Tyler Jr.College dance team for the last 2 yrs, the Apache Bells, this was her final dance recital and we drove to Tyler to see Natalie dance with her team. Madalyn and Loraly went with us, they loved watching the show. Cam and Amber also met us there.

The first of several showers for Amber, this one was hosted by friends of mine from church.

Madalyn celebrated her #7 Birthday at American Girl Bistro in Dallas, we had a nice lunch followed by a pretty cake and lots of presents.She invited several friends,and her cousin Kaitlyn, we all had such a fun time together!