Friday, October 14, 2005
Last night I was talking to Amber, she was telling me that Kaitlyns birth-father had not sent child support in 3 weeks---we have not heard anything from him in almost 3 yrs other than the child support. Come to find out, he was not working here in Waco anymore, was back in reserves in Ft.Worth---planning on re-enlisting. Amber asked if he had thought anymore about relinquishing his parental rights---he responded by saying 'Just send me the papers and I will get them signed"
SO sad, he is missing out on a beautiful little girls life, what joy she brings everyone around her!
And then the hurt he has caused this family, court appearances, making Kaitlyn go with him all the while she cried and begged us to not make her go...our wondering and worrying about her the week-ends she was with him.
I wish we could contact the Judge and let him see how this has turned out, he did not care about her life then, wonder what he would think now?
And then above all else, the Judge told us that we had to be hospitable to him when he was at our home? Go Figure...wonder what the Judge would do if it were his daughter and grand-daughter?