Sunday, December 24, 2006
The presents are all bought, wrapped, under the tree, cornbread is baking for dressing--raining outside and cool, with a nice fire inside...Guess all my little girls are sleeping now dreaming of what the morning will hold. watched our annual Christmas Story with Cam.
Dropped by the Saxons tonight to take the boys a little present, visited with Terrills mom and sister...Paul was sweet, he asked me when our "date" was gonna be since it did not turn out the week he was sick then had to go to Vermont, so I will plan a special day this week for just the 2 of us. He showed me his money he has found and I promised him some Italian money that Mike has...Lord, if you hear my prayer, please heal this precious child, he is so sick now and there is not a lot left for him as far as treatments. Be with his sweet parents, they are so tired and worried about him.
I have so many precious memories of Paul, to be shared another time.
I hope he is sleeping with a smile on his little face tonight! No hurting for him tomorrow as he plays away with all his new toys, just a normal kid !